If you are anything like me, you have recently binged watched the newest season of Bridgerton. Whilst many of you will be following the most recent marriage match and in awe of the costumery. I was taken in by the rise in status of the Mondrich Family.
Season 3 briefly navigates an inherited estate of the newest Lord Kent, which was bequeathed by way of a Will. Admittedly, Regency era rules were far harsher than today’s laws. However, teaches a good lesson on why having a Will is important.
Ultimately, a Will gives you the freedom to leave your estate to who you wish. Lady Kent was governed by Regency Era laws, noting leaving her estate to the first male heir, but you are not! Let’s remember Lady Kent had closer family then the Mondrich’s!
You are probably thinking what has this got to do with making a Will. Well, it all boils down to the fact that should Lady Kent have made a Will in today’s society she could have left her estate to her more immediate family. Think of it like this, Regency Era Laws can be compared to Today’s Intestacy Laws.
Without a Will your estate has the potential to be inherited by someone who benefits under the intestacy rules, but maybe not by someone you would have wished it to. For example, unmarried partners are not recognised under UK intestacy laws. Many people are under the impression that making a Will is for ‘older people’, however, this could not be further from the truth. The only requirement is that you are over the age of 18! Creating a Will can aid your loved ones through the difficult process of estate administration and provides the legal guideline as decided by you.
Should you wish to speak further about making a Will, please do not hesitate to contact our Wills and Probate team on 01724 786272 or alternatively email me at esther@randssolicitors.co.uk